St Matilda's Church

Women Bishops at Last?

Women Bishops at Last?
"The Society"
Parish Re-Organisation
A brief outline of the origins and history of the church and parish
Counselling Centre
The Guild of St. Raphael (Christ's Ministry of Healing)
St. Withburga's Church Centre
Our Saints
Ordinariate Group Pilgrimage to Ireland
From the Rector
Staff and Officers
Fr Ted's Anniversary
At last we have come to the end of a process leading logically from having women as priests to having women bishops as well. It remains to be seen as to whether the process will hold. The signs are that all will be well and we can get on with our job as the established church here in England.
Be warned, however. There are those whose prime mind-set is not that of "Love God and love your neighbour" as prescribed by Jesus, but a this-worldly prejudice derived from tradition, a particular reading of scripture or militant feminism and political correctness as they see it.
Despite the safeguards to ensure fair treatment of minorities, these group and individuals will lurk, coming out from their hiding places to cause havoc, misunderstanding and pain at a local level as well as nationally.
Beware, therefore, and keeping praying that the new legislation and its various safeguards will enable us to move forward to serve our nation as its Catholic and Reformed established church!