St. Withburga's is a suite of buildings incorporating the tithe barn attached to the Priory buildings and contains
the Parish Office, Committee Rooms, and the Church Hall.
The whole complex was refitted, extended and updated to commemorate Millenium Year, 2000, and contains up-to-date toilets,
and nappy-changing facilities, and a state of the art kitchen and separate Dining Room.
St. Matilda's Counselling Centre is part of the complex with its own discrete entrance, and refreshment facilities.
The Hall is available for hire when not in use for Parochial Church, Deanery, or Diocesan purposes. The Centre is not
licensed for the Sale or Consumption of Alcoholic Refreshments, nor for Public Music or Entertainment other than standard
Church of England usage. Hirers must make their own arrangements for any requisite permissions or licences.
Details and available times for hire may be obtained from the Parish Office (01276 500357)