A Brief History of St. Mary's Thorpe


Home Page
Early Days and Saxon Period
From the Normans to the Tudors
The Reformation and Beyond
The Nineteenth Century
The Twentieth Century and Today's Church
Notables and the Churchyard
About Us and How to Make Contact

St. Mary's Church stands as a witness to nearly two thousand years of Christian worship and ministry in the north-west corner of Surrey where the river Thames has formed the county boundary from the Middle Ages onwards. As a parish church, it is engaged in pastoral work within the village and wider community, including a new counselling service and plans for the development of a youth and community foundation to restore those social and recreational facilities which have not been available locally in recent years.

We have devoted separate sections to the following periods and added a further page about this series of historical studies:


Early Days and Medieval Period

The Reformation and Beyond

The Nineteenth Century

The Twentieth Century and Today's Church

About Us and How to Make Contact

Further material will be added to each section to expand the story of the parish and its church and to give greater detail.

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10.30 am -12 noon
(Sorry it's so short, but the enterprise is academic not commercial)
Do leave a message or try again outside these hours. There is usually someone around!

The Reverend Doctor Edward Baty,
25 Martindale Avenue, Heatherside, Camberley, Surrey. GU15 1BB.

Telephone: (UK +44) (0) 1276 500357